Discover the New Standard of Charging with our Wireless Surface Charger Range

Are you sick and tired of trying to find your phone charger? or dealing with tangled cords on a daily basis?

Whether you answered yes or no, we recommend that you buy yourself a wireless surface charger. These chargers will provide you with a charging experience that you never thought was even possible. Not only is a wireless surface charger super convenient and safe, they also deliver fast charging speeds and are compatible with most smartphones.

A surface charger is a convenient home-base to pop your device on each night, completely eliminating the need to plug it into a USB port or wall charger. Simplify and enhance your life with a wireless surface charger from Aircharge.

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Power Up With Aircharge™ Wireless Surface Charger

The Aircharge wireless surface charger can be easily installed into any desk, meeting table or other work surface and offers the convenience of being able to charge smartphones and tablets without being tethered or having the hassle of finding a power point.

Our beacon enabled charger is a full end to end solution that allows usage analytics, app integration, personalised notifications and a range of other features.

Available in a range of colours and finishes, the surface charger is designed to suit any venue.

Buy Aircharge™ Wireless Sub-Surface Charger for a subtle solution

The wireless sub-surface charger sits discreetly below the surface completely out of sight and can be easily installed into any desk, bench or work surface. This is the perfect solution if you don’t want your surface charger to appear obvious or get in the way of a space.

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Aircharge™ Wireless Surface Charger Travel Pad for Travel in Australia or Abroad

Charging devices with cords and cables can be a headache at the best of times, so when you’re travelling the hassle increases tenfold. Whether you are going on a road trip around the east coast of Australia, or on an overseas adventure, a wireless surface charger is your ultimate travel companion. The Travel Pad couldn’t make charging simpler when you are on the move. It also won’t make your luggage heavy with its lightweight and portable design.

If you want to discover a new standard of charging, power up with Aircharge by checking out our product range. Contact us by filling in the form on our website or call +61 421 711 548 to get yourself one today.